Gifted and Talented Program » Gifted & Talented Program

Gifted & Talented Program

Process for identification: 

  • Parent or Teacher written recommendation of students to be evaluated for the program (June-September). 
  • Teacher Survey: Slocumb-Payne Teacher Perception Inventory
  • Mrs. Kane will evaluate students using testing to determine eligibility for giftedness: 
    • ADAM
    • DORA
    • Sages-2
  • Other characteristics considered for qualification:  
    • ability to miss class instruction and make up work (homework completion can be used to assess this ability) 
    • self motivation
    • enthusiasm to extend learning beyond the classroom
  • Letters sent to parents regarding results (2-3 weeks after referral)
  • Parents & teachers contact Kristin Kane with issues or concerns.

Instruction to identified students: (October-June)

  • Students in grades K-2 are work 1x/week with Mrs. Magyar.  They also participate in WCCSE field trips and activities throughout the year as designated G&T.
  • Ms. Weber takes all field trips to events both during & afterschool.
  • Students in grades 3-8 receive differentiation in the classroom.  They also participate in WCCSE field trips and activities throughout the year as designated G&T.
  • Students do not need to be retested each year. They remain in the program throughout their elementary school years unless a re-evaluation is deemed necessary by teachers, parents or other school personnel.

Activities & curriculum needs are pulled from resources offered by the Warren County Consortium for Student Enrichment: