Gifted and Talented Program » Enrichment Program

Enrichment Program

Process for identification:

  • Enrichment activities/field trips are offered throughout the school year.
  • Ms. Weber provides details on Enrichment Opportunities to students.
  • If the trip/event has a limit on participation, students are invited based on strengths and interests that they demonstrate based on teacher recommendation, student interest, parent recommendation.
  • If the trip/event has no limit on participation, it is open to all students in that grade level(s).
  • Opportunities open to all students are posted in the School Announcements, School Announcements Google Classroom and Announcements from Classroom Teachers.

Instruction: (October-June):

  • If the trip/event requires preparation, students will meet with Ms. Weber, Mrs. Kane, or Mrs. Magyar during Activity Periods or lunches leading up to the event/trip. 
  • Ms. Weber takes all field trips to events both during & afterschool.

Activities & curriculum needs are pulled from resources offered by the Warren County Consortium for Student Enrichment: